16 2 And 17 the Angels pour out the seven vials of God’s wrath given unto them, and so divers plagues arise in the world, 18 to terrify the wicked, 19 and the inhabitants of the great city.

And [a]I heard a great voice out of the Temple, saying to the seven Angels, Go your ways, and poured out the seven vials of the wrath of God upon the earth.

[b]And the first went and poured out his vial upon the earth: and there fell a noisome and a grievous sore upon the men which had the [c]mark of the beast, and upon them which worshipped his image.

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  1. Revelation 16:1 In the former Chapter was set down the preparation unto the work of God: here is delivered the execution thereof. And in this discourse of the execution, is a general commandment, in this verse, then a particular recital in order of the execution done by every of the seven Angels, in the rest of the chapter. This special execution against Antichrist and his crew, doth in manner agree unto that which was generally done upon the whole world, Rev. 8 and 9, and belongeth (if my conjecture fail me not) unto the same time. Yet herein they do differ one from another, that this was particularly effected upon the Princes and ringleaders of the wickedness of the world, the other generally against the whole world being wicked. And therefore these judgments are figured more grievous than those.
  2. Revelation 16:2 The history of the first Angel, whose plague upon the earth, is described almost in the same words with that sixth plague of the Egyptians, Exod. 9:9. But it doth signify a spiritual ulcer, and that torture or butchery of conscience seared with an hot iron, which accuseth the ungodly within and both by truth of the word (the light whereof God hath now so long showed forth) and by bitterness stirreth up and forceth out the sword of God’s wrath.
  3. Revelation 16:2 See Rev. 13:16

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